SWR Salons

Through periodic in-person and online meetings, the Region provides free training to individuals engaged in the arbitration of labor management and employment disputes on a professional basis. Attendees include members, non-member professional arbitrators or mediators, and persons who hope to become full-time professional arbitrators.

As described in the NAA’S Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Plan, Salons can be a vital tool for outreach and professional development of arbitrators, and use of the “Salon model” has a long history within the National Academy of Arbitrators. 

Under the “Salon model”, NAA member arbitrators work closely with a “cohort” of “promising arbitrators who are sufficiently advanced in their careers as to be considering application to the NAA”.   The Salons provide a confidential forum where developing arbitrators “can discuss practices in a safe space”; and candidly discuss and explore best practices. Additionally, the participating NAA Salon “leaders or convenors can introduce them to advocates, invite them to NAA meetings,” seek shadowing or observation opportunities for them from parties, “and generally assist them in developing their practices.”

While Salons vary widely from Region to Region, the suggested or typical “agenda for each meeting is to explore a pre-designated topic, e.g., integrity (ethical issues), expertise (contract language interpretation, discipline, best practices in drafting decisions, hearing practices), and acceptability (panel membership, presentations, writing for publication, involvement in associations), as well as the business of arbitration (practice management). The cohort has an opportunity to learn from the Salon conveners, from invited guest speakers, and from each other.  In practice, the participants themselves drive the discussion, and talk of those topics that interest them.”

Currently, members of the Southwest Rockies Region have convened two Salons in Texas:

Central Texas Salon
Contact: I.B. “Beber” Helburn

North Texas Salon
Contact: Convenor Will Hartsfield


These materials are presented with the understanding that the Region and the authors are not engaged in the rendering of legal or other professional services, and the material is only to be a brief discussion of the issues presented. The materials are not a comprehensive analysis. Because of the generality of the materials and because the law and best practices are always evolving the material may not apply to all situations and may not, after its publication date, reflect the most current authority or current best practice. For these reasons, the reader should not rely or act upon this material without the benefit of professional advice based upon the particular circumstances at the time of making a decision. For a complete analysis of a particular factual circumstance, the services of an professional knowledgeable in this area should be sought. Furnishing these materials does not create, and receipt of it does not constitute, any professional relationship, including but not limited to an attorney-client relationship.
North Texas and Central Texas Salon participants are eligible for a 50% discount on registration for the NAA Annual Meeting. You must register online via the NAA site, naarb.org.


  • Benjamin Aaron, “Some Procedural Problems in Arbitration”, Vanderbilt Law Review, Vol. 10, Issue 4 (1957).

  • Laura J. Cooper, Dennis R. Nolan, Richard A. Bales, Stephen F. Befort, Lise Gelernter, Michael Z. Green, ADR in the Workplace (4th Edition).

  • Marvin F. Hill, Jr., Anthony V. Sinicropi, Evidence in Arbitration (2nd Edition).

  • American Bar Association Section of Labor and Employment Law, E-Book: Elkouri & Elkouri: How Arbitration Works (8th Edition) – Authors: Patrick M. Sanders, Wesley G. Kennedy. Price: $25.00 for Members of the Section.

  • Federal Rules of Evidence – See the National Academy of Arbitrators website for more resources: The Common Law of the Workplace.

  • Barry Goldman, Errors in Judgment, January 8, 2024.