The Corporation is organized and will be operated exclusively for the purposes of a professional association of arbitrators who are Members of the National Academy of Arbitrators within the meaning of Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 or the corresponding provision or provisions of any subsequent United States revenue law (Code), including but not limited to, (1) establish and foster the highest standards of integrity, competence, honor, and character among those engaged in the arbitration of labor management and employment disputes on a professional basis; (2) secure the acceptance of and adherence to the Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor Management Disputes; (3) promote the study and understanding of the arbitration of labor-management disputes, other collectively bargained dispute resolution arrangements, and procedures used to resolve other types of workplace disputes; (4) encourage friendly association among the members of the profession; (5) cooperate with other organizations, institutions and learned societies interested in labor-management and employment relations; and (6) do any and all things which shall be appropriate in the furtherance of these purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(6) of the Code, and to conduct, accomplish, and carry on its objectives, functions, and purposes or any part thereof set forth in the governing documents of the Corporation as amended from time to time, within or without the State of Texas.
Mission Statements and regulations:
- Labor Management arbitrators are guided by the Professional Code of Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes of the National Academy of Arbitrators, the American Bar Association, the American Arbitration Association
- NAA members are also frequently called upon to arbitrate employment claims in the non-collective bargaining sector. Cases arising under an employer promulgated arbitration plan require particular vigilance on the part of arbitrators to ensure procedural fairness and to protect the integrity and reputation of workplace arbitration. This is reflected in the NAA’s Due Process Protocols endorsed by the American Bar Association, the American Arbitration Association and other interested agencies. These Due Process Protocols are intended to assist arbitrators in deciding whether to accept a case and to provide guidance as to how such a case might be fairly conducted and concluded. They supplement the Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes. Members who undertake employment disputes must be alert to other applicable codes of ethics (e.g. code of Ethics for Arbitrators in Commercial Disputes) federal and state statutes or regulations, or any other ethical code or rules adopted by the parties.
- The sole purpose and mission of the NAA, as with the Southwest / Rockies Region, is both educational and collegial. Activities include such things as the regular hosting or co-hosting of educational conferences; serving as a friend of the court in appellate litigation impacting labor arbitration; contributing to the research of critical workplace and labor arbitration issues; and aiding and promoting the professional development, mentoring and selection of a diverse bench of labor arbitrators able to “provide effective service to the parties.
The Southwest Rockies Region:
- The Academy functions through its geographic regions, of which the Southwest / Rockies Region is one. The Southwest / Rockies Region (a.k.a. “SWR Region” or “NAA-SWR”) currently covers Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
- The SWR Region was first established in or around the late 1940s and later merged with the Rockies Region, forming the SW Rockies Region. Since 1977, the Region has sponsored a labor-management conference for labor and employment practitioners nearly every year. The conference is held every spring in either Houston or Dallas, Texas, barring pandemics or similar forces majeure.
- The Southwest Rockies / Region is a separately chartered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
- We in the SWR are ecstatic to announced that our esteemed SWR Member and former Region President William McKee has been elected to serve a term as President of the National Academy of Arbitrators, 2023/2024.
- The National Academy currently has 572 members in the United States and Canada; and also one member from South Africa. The SW Rockies Region currently has 37 members who reside in 7 states but hear cases potentially all over the U.S. and even offshore/overseas.